The Original Tung Gel 3 oz


Toothpaste for bad breath

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Clinical research shows that odor-causing bacteria on the tongue is the #1 cause of bad breath. There are no better tools to get rid of that nasty bacteria than the Tung Gel with Tung Brush. Our fresh mint TUNG Gel treats and cures bad breath fast by neutralizing the bacteria on the tongue that causes bad breath too

-Loosens sticky plaque from the tongue
-Zinc neutralizes bad breath
-Works better than standard toothpaste
-Great-tasting formula that leaves the tongue feeling fresh
-Made in America

Shake well. Use with Tung Brush. Extend tongue and gently brush from the back of the tongue forward to the tip (for approx. 10 seconds). Repeat as necessary. Avoid swallowing .

Additional information

Weight 0.125 kg