Nutrex Lipo6 Fat Destroyer is one of the strongest LIPO-6 formulas ever released. It’s so strong that you can never take more than one pill. In addition, this is an ultra super potent fat burner pill that aids your body in rapid weight loss.
Moreover, Nutrex Lipo6 Fat Destroyer helps fire up your metabolism to stimulate calorie burning, while supporting appetite control to help prevent food cravings and over-eating. It also promotes energy and alertness, so you can keep your activity level high while dieting.
It as well ensures that your diet and weight loss goals become a success thanks to the powerful fat burning ingredients. Caffeine anhydrous is one of the active ingredients that supports weight loss process and may improve athletic performance. N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine is a precursor to substances like epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine that may help speed metabolism. Moreover, Theobromine can increase energy levels and reduce bloating and inflammation, means it may help control your appetite, support metabolic health and reduce cravings due to fatigue.
Take 1 Black-Cap in the morning and 1 Black-Cap in the afternoon. Never exceed 1 black-cap per serving and never take more than 2 servings in a 24-hour period. For best results do not take with food. Make sure you consume at least 45 minutes before a meal. Do not take within 6 hours of sleep.